Rajasthan Science Congress Association (RSCA) was formed in the year 2013 to mark the centenary year of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA).  RSCA was formed as voluntary/non-government organization of scientists, educators and teachers (all categories) for promotion of research and development in all forms of science, technology and innovations in the state of Rajasthan to meet the regional aspiration and academic expectations under the auspices of VaigyanikDrishtikon Society. The congress aims to provide a common platform to the scientific community, participating from diverse fields to interact with researchers from their varied disciplines to strengthen their participatory network nationally and internationally. This will be an opportunity for all to share and exchange progress and information in diverse fields of research. This will help to generate a conscious thought process among the scientific community towards making collective efforts to find scientific and technological solutions to existing challenges as well as to make the daily life of the common citizen more comfortable. The budding academicians and researchers will become acquainted with the current issues of the land, the efforts being made by scientists to solve them and the new discoveries in the field of science and technology through various seminars which will be presented during the science congress.

Secretarial Address

123/83, Mansarovar, Jaipur-302020 (India)

Email : rajasthansciencecongress@gmail.com